MBBS Completion by DEC's (Exact 4 1/2 yr )

In SEPTEMBER 2008 , Dr Raghu Ram represented MCI to hold instant supplementary exams for 1st year MBBS failures to see that there will be no REFFERED BATCH . PULSE 2008 been flatform of communication and information is gathered from medicos of various states . Students Union of AIIMS , particularly Dr Gandharv of AIIMS 2005 batch supported the cause .

At that time , INSTANT SUPPLE is in practice in AIIMS , HARYANA , PUNJAB , GUJARAT , HIMACHAL PRADESH states . For the 1st time , even Dr Raghu Ram came to know that MBBS should be completed by DECEMBER’s and not by MARCH OR APRIL as assumed by many even today .

After visiting MCI Office , continuously for 9 days – Finally Dr Raghu Ram could meet MCI Secretary and mention the COURSE PROLONGATION and IRREGULAR EXAM CONDUCTION & RESULTS RELEASE at Dr NTRUHS . He was shocked to know that course is being prolonged by so many months and mentioned that he could solve that in a matter of FAX , if yet it is true . Thankfully , due to orders sent from MCI – Dr NTR UHS came up with COMPLETE ACADAMIC SHEDULE for then 1st year’s – 2008 Batch in November 2008 and with EXAM TIME TABLE for 2009 year for all other batches . Till then , dates of exam would be known only 40-50 days prior exam , on release of exam notification .

MCI Secretary mentioned that INSTANT EXAM was discussed in the counsel meet recently and is opposed by many including him . Surprisingly he is not aware that few states , including Delhi is already implementing INSTANT SUPPLE exam without notice of MCI , following exam pattern of AIIMS . He assured Dr Raghu Ram that he is convinced on the need for instant supple and would convince members in next council meet and pass orders in 1 year duration .

So , LINKING MISTAKES OF COURSE PROLONGATION & IRREGULAR ACADAMICS by Dr NTRUHS and FAILURE OF PROPER MONITORING BY MCI with unapproved INSTANT SUPPLE EXAM being conducted in few states , It is requested to pass orders allowing Universities to conduct INSTANT SUPPLE EXAM as 1st year students are not just loosing 6 more months , but also being emotionally upset and loosing equal opportunity to learn being in small groups and not being thought by professors .

MCI passed gazette in March 2010 allowing Medical Universities to decide on conducting INSTANT SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM for 1st MBBS . But being a private medical student and having NO TEAM , Dr Raghu Ram failing in convincing VC of Dr NTR UHS to implement it . He was laughed upon going with such request . On the very next day , Dr Raghu Ram cleared his FINAL MBBS Exams , he approached 2010 Batch students whose 1st MBBS results are released some 4 days before . Dr Pradeep Kumar , CR of Osmania Medical College 2010 Batch , who is doing his residency in USA now played a KEY ROLE in passing on the information to all the 2010 Batch students in AP through their facebook group AP2k10Medicos . OMC , GMC students done PROTESTS even infront of GOVERNOR OF AP and upon his orders , Dr NTRUHS agreed to conduct INSTANT SUPPLE EXAM from 2011 Batch . Without Dr Pradeep and his efforts , this could not have happened . Only with the MORAL BOOST given through this VICTORY , Dr Raghu Ram continued his efforts for medical fraternity .

Even upon Multiple representations by Dr Raghu Ram on name of various forums , Dr NTR UHS failed in making MBBS Course completed by DECEMBER’s . We made an IMPACT at National Level , its painful to know that everyone else in India are benefited , but not our Telegu medicos .

Presently only GITAM has planned to finish MBBS Course by DECEMBERS . Bharat Medicos will make sure in near future that MBBS Students in AP & TS will get benefits of the work of their telugu colleague.

All rights reseved - 2008