As Usual , We are VERY BAD IN PUBLISING OUR ACHEIVMENTS . Our Video Regarding Is NOt Ready Yet. Plz LIKE @ OUR FACEBOOK PAGE . We Would Post There Once It is Ready . This is HOPE VIDEO , that been VIRAL at moment when AP MEDICOS are in deep anguish after 'STRIKE TO CANCEL RURAL SERVICE' been a failure. We Gave FEW BIG PROMISES HERE - WE FULLFILLED "RURAL SERVICE CANCELLATION mainly . We also tried every other point mentioned , you can scroll donw page to undersatnd FACTS & OUR SINCERE EFFORTS.

WITHOUT BHARAT MEDICOS / Dr Raghu Ram's Efforts - We are SURE that NONE WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE . Yes , If you have doubts - Go through the FACTS & EVIDENCES mentioned below

Until Now - We never felt like PUBLICISING OUR WORK - But Seriouly , AP MEDICOS are in TROUBLE NOW - If u look at MD Dr's working from Rs.40K/Mon.We wanted to DO SOMETHING ! - But We Can't Do Alone Now , As We Did Mostly , Until Now . Expecting Your Co OPeration & To Give A Confidence - We Desided To Let Our Work Known .



MBBS Completion by DEC's (Exact 4 1/2 yr )

In SEPTEMBER 2008 , Dr Raghu Ram represented MCI to hold instant supplementary exams for 1st year MBBS failures to see that there will be no REFFERED BATCH . PULSE 2008 been flatform of communication and information is gathered from medicos of various states . Students Union of AIIMS , particularly Dr Gandharv of AIIMS 2005 batch supported the cause .

At that time , INSTANT SUPPLE is in practice in AIIMS , HARYANA , PUNJAB , GUJARAT , HIMACHAL PRADESH states . For the 1st time , even Dr Raghu Ram came to know that MBBS should be completed by DECEMBER’s and not by MARCH OR APRIL as assumed by many even today .

After visiting MCI Office , continuously for 9 days – Finally Dr Raghu Ram could meet MCI Secretary and mention the COURSE PROLONGATION and IRREGULAR EXAM CONDUCTION & RESULTS RELEASE at Dr NTRUHS . He was shocked to know that course is being prolonged by so many months and mentioned that he could solve that in a matter of FAX , if yet it is true . Thankfully , due to orders sent from MCI – Dr NTR UHS came up with COMPLETE ACADAMIC SHEDULE for then 1st year’s – 2008 Batch in November 2008 and with EXAM TIME TABLE for 2009 year for all other batches . Till then , dates of exam would be known only 40-50 days prior exam , on release of exam notification .

MCI Secretary mentioned that INSTANT EXAM was discussed in the counsel meet recently and is opposed by many including him . Surprisingly he is not aware that few states , including Delhi is already implementing INSTANT SUPPLE exam without notice of MCI , following exam pattern of AIIMS . He assured Dr Raghu Ram that he is convinced on the need for instant supple and would convince members in next council meet and pass orders in 1 year duration .

So , LINKING MISTAKES OF COURSE PROLONGATION & IRREGULAR ACADAMICS by Dr NTRUHS and FAILURE OF PROPER MONITORING BY MCI with unapproved INSTANT SUPPLE EXAM being conducted in few states , It is requested to pass orders allowing Universities to conduct INSTANT SUPPLE EXAM as 1st year students are not just loosing 6 more months , but also being emotionally upset and loosing equal opportunity to learn being in small groups and not being thought by professors .

MCI passed gazette in March 2010 allowing Medical Universities to decide on conducting INSTANT SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM for 1st MBBS . But being a private medical student and having NO TEAM , Dr Raghu Ram failing in convincing VC of Dr NTR UHS to implement it . He was laughed upon going with such request . On the very next day , Dr Raghu Ram cleared his FINAL MBBS Exams , he approached 2010 Batch students whose 1st MBBS results are released some 4 days before . Dr Pradeep Kumar , CR of Osmania Medical College 2010 Batch , who is doing his residency in USA now played a KEY ROLE in passing on the information to all the 2010 Batch students in AP through their facebook group AP2k10Medicos . OMC , GMC students done PROTESTS even infront of GOVERNOR OF AP and upon his orders , Dr NTRUHS agreed to conduct INSTANT SUPPLE EXAM from 2011 Batch . Without Dr Pradeep and his efforts , this could not have happened . Only with the MORAL BOOST given through this VICTORY , Dr Raghu Ram continued his efforts for medical fraternity .

Even upon Multiple representations by Dr Raghu Ram on name of various forums , Dr NTR UHS failed in making MBBS Course completed by DECEMBER’s . We made an IMPACT at National Level , its painful to know that everyone else in India are benefited , but not our Telegu medicos .

Presently only GITAM has planned to finish MBBS Course by DECEMBERS . Bharat Medicos will make sure in near future that MBBS Students in AP & TS will get benefits of the work of their telugu colleague.


A Govt Hopsital needs a PERMANENT , EXPERIENCED & RESPONSIBLE Doctors and not TEMPORARY Dr's on ROTATIONS , who are fresh passout and who aren't liable for even gross mistakes they commit . This is what we strongly beleived over years and fought for cancellation of rural service . After AP JUDA ( leaded by Dr Aditya Vardhan as president ) made H.C to order for filling the vacant MBBS Posts in year 2013 - Over 2700 MBBS doctors are recruited in various AP Govt hospitals . This lead to ultimate cancellation of Compulsory Rural service for MBBS Passouts without much efforts , as they won't have much need for MBBS doctors .

Dr Raghu Ram always motivated medicos to MARCH FOR GOVT JOBS as a part of strategy to ask for Compulsory Govt Servoce Cancellation . When doctors are marching , mentioning themselves as Jobles , No Govt can convince any court upon coming up with COMPULSORY SERVICE .

After cancellation of Compulsory service , We mentioned its as right time for the DOCTORS working under AP Govt on Contract basis to demand PERMANENT NEEDS , as Govt is facing deficit in Area & District hospitals due to cancelltion. Luckly , as its been election year and also as they are in need after BONDED SERVICE Cancellation , they accepted and 1100 Permanent doctors are recruited in AP Govt in year 2018 .

RELEASE OF OD’s of MD / MS / DM / Mch :

Dr NTR UHS stopped issuing certificates after clearing Specialty or Super specialty courses . They are asking passouts to go and file a case in high court . They used to blackmail fresh graduates on behalf of Govt to do 1 year rural service to get the certificates .

SR Forum was formed and representation was given to Mrs Poonam Malakondaiah . Dr Raghu ram has given representation mentioning orally that our lawyer suggested that , WITHHOLDING Certificates after passing is an offense and police cases can be filed on principals of respective medical colleges .

Yes , ORDERS are sent to Dr NTR UHS to immediately release Original Degree Certificates of the previous years pass outs . It is very surprising that our people been so dumb and shameless , atleast not feeling it as a very minimal right to get their certificates after successful completion of course . Only after a Bengali sister approached Bharat Medicos mentioning her desperate need to get certificates , bharat medicos has taken the task seriously .

Even though there are past high court judgements warning governments not to hold certificates and even though it is an offense to hold certificates after successful completion of the course , our Dr NTR UHS & AP state Govt fallen low by blackmailing students to get their free services in government hospitals . We followed the same and mentioned that if our certificates aren’t released soon, we were asked by our lawyer to file cases on principals in local police stations & mentioned that there is every possibility of arrest warrants being issued if yet we have done so . Yes , Original Degree’s being on hold for the previous 2 years are released immediately .


After nearly convincing AP State govt to get 1 year rural service cancelled , private medical colleges came with a proposal of SHARING Fresh Passouts rather than letting the people who would work for Rs.30,000/Mon be freed . Unfortunately , AP Govt accepted the proposal and passed G.O on Aug 3rd 2016 MIDNIGHT , exactly hours before GOVT SR Counselling . As we had already alerted all the medical students about the possible G.O and its consequences – There is a huge protest in both the counselling venues and ultimately Health minister has to come down and announce cancellation of proposal for that year . Even though we tried to get a clarity on not planning the same in next year , Mr Minister escaped venue by shouting at us .

As expected G.0 99 is passed making PRIVATE MEDICAL COLLEGE SR SHIP MANDATORY on 23.06.2017 . Private medical college pass outs all over Andhra Pradesh deposited money in personal account of Dr Raghu Ram and we won the case by taking all possible pressures from the very strong opponents . They tried to blackmail , threatened , offered money with exception from service for Dr Raghu ram , sent police to house of Dr RaghuRam , called on his parents to PS .

Health minister BACKMAILED by saying that he would order AGENCY SERVICE for all the PG Dr’s under compulsory service scheme , if they haven’t agreed with his terms and accept PRIVATE SR SHIP . He gave statement that no doctor is willing to work in tribal areas even though govt is offering Rs2 Lakh / Month and so , Govt would post fresh passouts in agency areas . But we quickly communicated a WEB LINK and got over 600 doctors apply for 2 Lakh/Month agency jobs and bursted out his mal intentions in a PRESS MEET by showing the list of applications .

At last they tried to house arrest Dr Raghu Ram & his friends on the day before counselling . As a last resort , they called on Dr Raghu Ram parents to VENUE of SR Counselling to emotionally blackmail . Ultimately , they understood that its not just 1 man’s show there and all the doctors are motivated and against such atrocious acts . We got orders from High Court also to conduct Re Counselling along with cancellation of G.O 99 on 15.07.2017 .



After Private SR Cancellation , Dr Raghu Ram was denied to be given posting as SR in any Govt medical college by DME . Also due to personal reasons , we have been calm and had’nt followed up Govt Service Cancellation .

But on December 7th 2017 , Dr Raghu Ram got SR posting in AMC and deputed to ACSR Nellore for 1 month . By that time , PG’s on name of AP JUDA been demanding govt on single point agenda of STIPEND HIKE . We understood that we need to have a STRONG BODY for SR’s to PUSH OUR DEMANDS into lime light . We united all the SR’s working in all the levels of Govt hospitals in AP and formed SR FORUM in JAN 2018 and started giving representations / PROTEST NOTICES .

Dr Raghu Ram’s started collecting individual letters to MCI from SR’s asking MCI not to validate them as SR’s if yet their registrations weren’t done , if they weren’t shown as EMPLOYEES , as per June 6 2017 gazette and paid as per MCI norms . STRIKE was no where in Bharat medicos AGENDA .

They tried to STOP THE MOVEMENT by transferring Dr Raghu Ram to Anantapur medical college on 5th feb 2018 and demotivating PG’s that if he is bothered , they would not get any help from the Govt as he been in bad terms with minister and officials .

Yet , they couldn’t STOP the movement that took a strong fold in SR’s and PG’s by that time . Dr Raghu Ram has replaced Dr Manoj Kumar Reddy , Ortho SR , ACSR Nellore & Team to lead the movement , as Few AP JUDA State Panel members had objections on Dr Raghu Ram leading SR FORUM as he don’t have good terms with Govt .

Ultimately , the same members asked others to CALL OF STRIKE NOTICE as they felt that Govt is responding positively . So , they were asked to QUIT and a New AP JUDA State Panel was formed on adhok basis and AP JUDA & SR FORUM went for State wide Strike and due to strong efforts of SR FORUM Leaders & New Panel being FIRM ON REGISTRATIONS & Govt Service CANCELLATION – Finally , after many dramatic events , Bharat Medicos could achieve its LONG STANDING TARGET . Its Victory of every Medico , who participated in movement .


Bharat Medicos is aware of how APMC been troubling 2010 & 2011 Batch MBBS students without issuing their MBBS APMC Registration Certificates , even after Govt announced cancellation of rural service post MBBS . We been constantly following up the issue and they been mentioning the NEED FOR AMENDMENT OF ACT in ASSEMBLY , for over 2 years .

So , we petitioned AP CM to CANCEL APMC COMMITTEE if yet , they have not obeyed his commitment given to our medicos on name of rules . As existing APMC is just formed as a STOP GAP Committee , without important decision making powers , ( But they are continuing so for near a decade unofficially by having good ties with state govts ) they are obligated to OBEY CM Office Orders .

So , even though TSMC delayed Registrations on the same reason – APMC started issuing long pending registrations immediately and many doctors from Telangana too got registered with APMC as it is valid in Telangana upto 2024 and anyways they need to get renewal after 5 years , which can be done with TSMC . Such is the desperation of thousands of doctors , but all these years they been calm without any hope . We felt so happy upon looking at the CROWD on opening day of registrations . A sense of satisfaction , that can’t be measured !


We aren’t successful in the efforts , but we have made a clear difference at one point of time . More than RMP’s in rural areas , AYUSH DR’s & Non Qualified FMG’s are major threat for MBBS Graduates .

We complained to 2 Dist collectors personally and sent letters to rest other district collectors . We also complained APMC to take action on doctors who are running hospitals by employing quacks . There are RAIDS on private hospitals to verify the qualification of their doctors .

After making this a open debate and by even questioning chairman of most renowned hospitals in AP – there been difference for few months as hospitals around Vijayawada preferred to employ as many as MBBS graduates as duty doctors by replacing existing quacks .

We will continue our efforts , if yet there is good co operation from medical students .


Dr NTR UHS came up with most confusing web counselling procedure for PG admissions , in the year 2016. They have given lot of gap between 1st & 2nd counselling and tried to escape from conducting 3rd round or Mop Up counselling . Its been a big mess as admissions for even newly formed KNR UHS too happened simultaneously .

When students approached us , we have guided them in all possible ways – from approaching media , conducting press meets , giving representations to filing case in high court & Supreme court . Dr Sravani and her friends fought the issue very strongly .

Even after our efforts , over 200 PG seats been left vacant in Govt medical colleges in AP . It is believed that as Private medical colleges has converted the vacant seats to management quota seats – Dr NTR UHS hasn’t conducted mop up counselling only to make benefit for them , even though over 200 seats are being wasted in Govt colleges.

We would never forget FIGHT OF Dr SRAVANI in this issue as even though we weren’t hopeful of continuing case in Supreme Court – She did so and Won , which benefited 100’s of students all over India and special counselling was conduced for left over seats in September .

Likely , we guided students even in 2017 PG Counselling .


We have tried in every possible way to LINK AP MEDICAL STUDENTS and bring them together under one umberella . After seeing the Strong Movement for REFERRED BATCH CANCELLATION brought by 2010 Batch MBBS Students , we understood the power of social medical and been linked with them through the COLLEGE FACEBOOK PAGES . We have started various Whats App Groups with Class Representatives of all medical colleges( Govt & Prvt ) , by dividing them into 3 ZONES .

We been connected with Whats App groups of Post Graduautes in various medical colleges . PG's groups helped us in communicating the Private Sr proposal and making every one alert on consequences . Only so even the Government medical college students opposed it very strongly , which was'nt expected by Govt when passing such GO. Yes , we succeeded in LINKING & UNITING MEDICOS .

Only through such Planned & Strong Efforts through proper communication on name of SR FORUMS - We ultimately got GOVT BONDED SERVICE CANCELLED

All rights reseved @Bharatmedicos.com - 2008