12 FUTURE TARGETS to benifit Medicos & Doctors


TRIPLE VALUATION for only those who applied and / or for only papers in which pass mark wasn’t attained is what Bharat Medicos been asking from the beginning .

The present system of TRIPLE VALUATION is leading to the increased percentage of failure and also a drop in over all average mark of the students . It is completely ANTI STUDENT POLICY .

Initially it is projected as an attempt to HELP STUDENTS from UNEXPECTED FAILURES due to some examiners . There are incidents where 10-20 STUDENTS FAILED IN A SERIAL ORDER , which Dr NTR UHS quotes supporting triple valuation . But instead of helping students in such cases or trying to keep a check on such examiners , Dr NTRUHS used such incidents just to support such a MESSY TRIPLE VALUATION . The average FINAL MARK of the student in TRIPLE VALUATION is a big CONFUSION & merely depends on LUCK . Previously students were allowed to CHECK their ANSWER PAPERS & MARKS , but now RE VERIFICATION just been FEE PAYING PROCESS . In addition to that , they brought WEB EVALUATION , where the examiners will have NO CHANCE to add or correct marks at the end . Even examiners are QUITE CONFUSED about this evaluations , even though its been years after implementation .There are high court orders asking the University to rectify and clarify the mistakes in evaluation pattern . At some instances even Re Evaluation of entire papers is ordered. In recent PG Examination , they mentioned that they have done QUADRAPLE EVALUATIONS . No one knows how they equated the final mark !

We questioned Dr NTRUHS on this issue long back and even motivated students in the regard . But we see that the INTENTION is not to HELP STUDENTS , but to HELP PROLONGATION OF MBBS COURSE by 3 MONTHS , by DELAYING RESULTS . It is the time that Dr NTRUHS should simplify things and students should also raise their voice on such policy . Just as few of the high level employees at Dr NTRUHS done some illegal practices in 1st MBBS re evaluation happened In 2007 , which lead to many conspiracies including the mysterious death of one of its exam registrar’s in university building on September 1st 2009 – Dr NTR UHS should not trouble students by complicating things in this manner , to prove that things are perfect over there .


NO WHERE IN INDIA MBBS FEE is as low as Rs.10,000 in Private colleges as like in Andhra Pradesh & TS . There has to be a RATIONALITY in FIXING THE FEE . Previous Govt has fixing such a low fee for Govt Quota in Private Medical colleges just for the reason , they have to reimburse fee for over 70 % of students .

1) Then WHO WOULD HAVE ASKED FOR Rs.25,000/ Subject FAIL FEE ?

A) Obviously Medical Colleges Association


A) Obviously as they RUN IN LOSS if they collect such low fee for 50 % students . So , they have to compensate the loss !



A) Obviously , we can GUESS THE REASON from the above two answers .

BHARAT MEDICOS DEMANDS Min Rs.50,000 / Yr FEE in Private medical colleges from coming batches & CANCELLATION of Rs.25,000 / Subject FAIL FEE even for Present Batches .

We represented on this to University in 2016 , when this rule was introduced . We tried to motivate students in this regard . But as the FAIL FEE is for NEXT BATCHES – None Responded . We are shell shocked on getting only 102 signatures for the petition filed . Now , many students are messaging Bharat Medicos that they are INTENTIONALLY BEING FAILED IN PRACTICALS . We will certainly make sure that this FAIL FEE is SCRAPPED OFF . But you should also understand that a PRIVATE MEDICAL COLLEGE can’t MAKE PROFITS to their INVESTMENT if they have to GIVE HEAVY SUBSIDY to 50 % of its STUDENTS . So , we should accept FEE HIKE .


When we met Mrs Poonam Malakondaih after forming 1st AP JUDA SR FORUM – We had asked her 3 months ( un paid) maternity leave for SR’s . I am shell shocked at her response that DOCTORS should not come with such EXCUSES . I haven’t expected such response from such successful woman , who is herself mother of a PG Medico . It’s a SHAME upon every HUMAN , particularly if they are WOMEN if they come up with such STUIPIDITY . MATERNITY is considered a BLEASSING even for GODESSES , we are just social animals – Why should medicos loose their RIGHT TO HAVE KIDS AT A RIGHT AGE ? Why ?

If you can’t see a MOTHER in a Pregnant lady – consider yourself a PERVERT ! I don’t mind to say that there are many PROFESSORS , PRINCIPALS who are such PERVERTS . There are many , who hint their PG’s not to get pregnant during the course and some even ask them to get ABORTED . Yes , there are as such unhuman faculty . Surprisingly most of them are women ! We can even find such among our colleagues . we can understand WORK BURDEN in many post graduate departments . Being together and asking for Non Academic Junior residents will be a solution rather than troubling ourselves .

Some may come with argument that – Why should male PG’s overwork and give relaxation for their Pregnant colleagues ? - That minimum respect for women & courtesy , can also be thought in a medical college . Why should PG’s do work of SR’s , AP’s , Associates & Professors ? Aren’t they doing it in majority of departments ? Please do not say that they will loose an OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN because of pregnancy – If one have that CONCERN for them , they will be wise enough and cultured enough also to respect & support a pregnant woman . If someone can’t show concern for a pregnant colleague – he can never be a good son , good brother , good husband and good father .

Doctors should first be good human beings , we cant be asked to be so disconnected , so self centric , so practical in our medical colleges . I feel that HUMANITY should be part of the CIRCULUM . Medical Schools should safeguard some basic human instincts in its students .

When Govt employees can avail 9 months of PAID Maternity leave for 2 pregnancies , Why can’t a Post Graduate woman be allowed for 3 months unpaid maternity leave , for 1 pregnancy ?



Even as per union law , every establishment should have a COMMITTEE to monitor Work Place Related Harassments for women employees . Is it every thing OK in Medical Colleges ? Nooh ! Probably not . We have recently seen an incident of Dr Shilpa’s suicide at SMC , Tirupati . It is not like the faculty there asked for some sexual favour as we have seen in news – But the main accused is notorious in using fowl language and passing bad language on students . She approached Principal , but hasn’t got proper assurance . She dared to come out and complain which pushed her into further embarrassment , ultimately leading to depression and suicide . After looking at her fate – No Other Female PG or Faculty facing such problems at SVMC many not come out in near future .

It is a Govt Medical college and the blame would be gone on Govt – But imagine , if there are such incidents in a Private Medical College ? It crushes away the reputation built over decades in a single day .

There are such MEN every where and there can’t be an exception . So , why can’t the Medical Colleges form a WOMEN GREIVANCE CELL with an assurance of strict action and secrecy ?


Do you believe that , some government medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh are running PG seats over decades with just permission letter and no MCI recognition . APMC is not registering them and all such are being shown as tutors for MCI inspections even after 15 years of passing MD . Those who are having their own practices are not bothering , as even an illiterate or engineering graduate can get a name plate written as specialist and practice medicine in AP. But those who are working in hospital and medical colleges are suffering without promotions and low pay scales .

Bharat Medicos stressed upon the importance of this issue , when AP JUDA called up for a strike recently. But that didn’t attract attention as this is not problem for everyone and not there in every college . But we are committed in taking this issue to the new govt and making them form a action plan to do all that required to get the long pending recognitions .

MIN SALERY FOR MBBS - Upward Effect on Pay for Specialists

This may look strange , but it is pathetic that MBBS graduates are working in AP from a starting pay of Rs.25000/Mon . Even on additional years of experience post MBBS , there aren’t getting any justifiable hike in pay as hospitals in AP just wanted ‘Doctors’ to ‘Show’ and not for ‘Quality’ .

We initially thought that getting QUACKS / AYUSH Dr’s out of our hospital can help in making MBBS doctors get a reasonable pay . We even worked in this issue .

1) Complaint letters sent to 13 district collectors . handed over personally in 2 districts , where DMHO raided few hospitals in West Godavari & Note passed in Krishna Dist . Just after that incident , for few months , they are pay Rs.10,000 – Rs.20,000 additionally to get MBBS doctors . But we failed in doing in all districts and even following up at where action been initiated.

2) A TOP MOST DOCTOR was questioned in IMA meet on this issue and he promised to rectify things and replace those AYUSH Dr’s in hospital administration .

3) We atleast succeeded in making Corporate Hospital getting rid of QUACKS .

4) Letters sent to Medical Superintendents of all Medical Colleges in AP asking them to NOT ALLOW THEIR INTERNS to work as duty doctors . Yes , Bharat Medicos don’t bother to take a stand even against the WRONG DOINGS of medicos , for broader interests .

PG NEET EXAM in Feb- Mar

We have already represented this issue to NAT BOARD .

When PG Course starts from MAY-JUNE , Why should the entrance exam be conducted in NOV – DEC ?

What should PG Aspirants do after finishing their NEET Exam and between counselling ?

ANDHRA PRADESH MBBS STUDENTS FINISHES THEIR COURSE BY MARCH END . They will get all the required certificates and registrations by MID APRIL , even if they don’t have any extension . They are hardly having only 7 MONTHS to prepare for PG Entrance due to this , even though they feel like spending 1 year on preparation .

IN MANY OTHER STATES – MBBS COURSE finishes by DECEMBERS . They will have a Motive to prepare for NEET SS even during their internship as they are having some 10 months duration for exam . But many of AP Medicos are not even attempting NEET SS during their internship . As Internship too gets finished by Decembers , they are having an advantage over the students of states like AP . So , AP students should request to Conduct NEET SS Exam in FEB or MARCH and not in NOV – DEC . Bharat medicos will try to educate and motivate MBBS students here in this regard .

NEET SS Exam Pattern on 100% Choice Subject ( AIIMS Pattern)

After NEET SS conduction been given to NAT BORAD , they have come up with a quite confusing exam pattern for the first year . But from the last 2 years – they came up with further LUCK BASED Examination with 40 % marks in ELIGIBLE COURSES & 60 % marks in CHOICE SUPER SPECIALITY .

Example : MS OBGY , MS ORTHO , MS ENT & MS Gen Surg are eligible for Mch Surgical Oncology – So 40 % marks will be from the 4 ELIGIBLE SPECIALITIES . Anyways , one can’t be perfect with all these 4 subjects and mostly depends on LUCK .They aren’t even giving questions from those branches EQUALLY , so making LUCK FACTOR further more strong . If more questions are asked in OBGY – we may see more OBGY Mch Oncologists that year . If more questions are from Orthopedics – More Ortho – Surgical Oncologists .

So , we represented to conduct exam based on JUST SUPER SPECIALITY OF CHOICE as like in AIIMS , PGI . JIPMER entrances . NAT Board responded positively and If there are large scale representations , they would surely change the pattern .

QUACK FREE HOSPITALS : 1-2 fold increase in Pay for MBBS

If AYUSH Dr’s, Non Recognized Foreign Medical Graduates , Interns STOPS working in Our Hospitals , Pay for MBBS will reach around Rs.50,000/Mon from the present 25-30K . If yet State Govt keeps a check on the availability of resident doctors in the hospitals , it will even cross Rs.60,000 as like in many north Indian states .

We have marched against RMP’s , but we aren’t bothered about presence of QUACKS in our hospitals . I asked INTERNS marching / doing protests on RMP’s – to set an example by taking a resolution in their class – NOT TO WORK IN OUTSIDE HOSPITALS during INTERNSHIP . Even IMA which motivated medical students on RMP issue is dumb when asked to pass a NOTE to its colleagues not to allow RMP’s enter their premises and get only qualified people as technicians and nurses , as only such people are going out and strting practice as RMP’s . Qualified people are working in one or other hospital at low pay scales due to the greed of hospital and nursing homes .

All these CHEAP PRACTICES are not just badly impacting HEALTH CARE OF AP , but also having NEGATIVE AFTER EFFECT on their establishments and also on the Health care professionals.

Bharat Medicos is committed to CLEANSE HEALTH CARE SECTOR OF AP . We request the general public and all levels of health care professionals to join us .


There is clear supreme court judgement mentioning that even though Resident doctors are supposed to be available in the campus for 24hours – It won’t mean that they should be working for 24 hrs a day . Calculating 8 Working hours / Day with 1 day off / week – Hon’b Supreme Court mentioned that Junior Residents need to work for 48 Hours / Week . Even High court of Haryana endorsed supreme court judgement and passed instructions to state government in this regard .

Getting Non Acadamic JR’s equal to the annual PG intake or 1 NA JR / UNIT will help PG Junior Residents to focus on their academics rather than being stressed & over burdened with routine non productive chaos . This will also provide employment to many MBBS Graduates .


Almost in every private medical college ( except new ones ) in AP, would have 1 or few of its students committed suicide . SUICIDE IS 7th MOST COMMON CAUSE OF DEATH IN INDIA . In Youth , it will be in Top 5 cause for sure . Very few commit suicide out of anger , very spontaneously . Most of those ending life by themselves , goes through a phase of depression . In the so called advance modern world – We are missing some genuine emotional connect with people around us .

We may not change every thing , but should at least try to identify such students in depression . Bharat Medicos requests every medical college to come up with such initiatives .

Asst Prof ELIGIBILITY FOR PG Diploma's

MCI passed a gazette on June 5th 2017 , mentioning that Post Graduate Diploma Graduates are allowed only upto the designation of Seniour Resident . It has not even given a CLARITY about them continuing in the same designation through out their career , as it defined SR as someone who is not above 40 years age . Even though it clarified in the FAQ’s that SR’s who are appointed before the issue of gazette can continue as SR’s even after 40 years – many medical colleges are releaving diploma’s who crossed 40 years .

Bharat Medicos will make sure that Post Graduate Diplmoa graduates are allowed upto the rank of Asst Professor , without any discrimination . We will also try to get them upto associate professor cadre with over 10 research publications as criteria . Yes , when Medical Msc faculty are allowed upto Professor cadre with Phd , why should MBBS doctors be discriminated . Bharat Medicos hasn’t been in favour of argument that Medical Msc faculty should not be given promotions , we said that wont take part in that with due respect on our medical Msc Teachers .

All rights reseved @Bharatmedicos.com - 2008