FMG Exam recorded ONLY 5 % pass rate ( approx) many times

We are sure that there will be not be any CHANCE of FMG's being treated equally with Indian Medical Geaduates , without FMG Exam .In fact , even we opposed such proposal very strongly . Ofcourse things been far better after NEET . Indian Medical Students or atleast private medical colleges lobby will not let that happen for sure

Not just as many are suffering in Delhi without clearing their FMG entry examination , But also as MBBS is no more that FANCY COURSE to persue taking so much pains & risks .

Many countries see FOREIGN MEDICAL STUDENTS as just "TRADE ITEMS" and they are offering medical education just for money .In many foreign universities there is no limit for MBBS admissions and the numbers are much worser than that of in a engineering colleges here .

I have seen advertisement about MBBS IN PHILLIPINES - I strongly request parents to not FALL IN TRAP of such . President of that Nation , inviting foreign students is a big surprise as he orders shooting of youth who are even suspected to be involved in drugs related illegal activity . We cant push our kids into such Nations , taking such a risk . MBBS is no more , that WORTHY to take such risk of sending your teenage kids to such Countries .

Please take a NOTE & If yet you wanted your kid to persue MBBS in foreign Nation at a relatively low expense - Choose NEPAL .

All rights reseved - 2008